Working on Dana and Vali's living room was both a pleasure and a challenge for us. It was nice to work with them as they are really nice and open minded people who trusted our recommendations, but it was challenging because of the limited space and possibilities to radically change things.
luni, 21 noiembrie 2011
Livingroom makeover in mustard and aubergine
Sa lucram la livingul Danei si al lui Vali a fost pentru noi atat o placere,cat si o provocare. De placere am lucrat cu ei pentru ca sunt niste oameni draguti si deschisi care chiar au avut incredere in recomandarile noastre, iar provocarea a venit din restrictiile de spatiu, de posibilitatile limitate de a schimba radical ceva si de faptul ca la ei in casa am facut niste lucruri in premiera.
miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011
Green light for small hall
momentul in care discutam despre un hol de dimensiuni reduse, este cel mai
probabil ca acesta sa faca parte dintr-o locuinta mica, si, cum pentru o mare
parte a populatiei urbane, spatiile mici sunt cadrul in care trebuie sa-si
organizeze viata, apare necesitatea amenajarii acestora astfel incat sa aiba functionalitate si utilitate optime.
ales ca exemplu un hol foarte mic de apartament de bloc, care, insa, cu un
calcul atent al spatiului disponibil poate indeplini cu succes atat functia de
spatiu de intrare in casa, cat si de depozitare pentru haine si incaltaminte.
When talking about a small hallway, it is most likely that it is part of a small apartment, and, as for most people small spaces are the frame within they need to organize their lives, it becomes mandatory that those spaces are organized to meet as many functional needs as possible.
I chose as an example a very small entrance hall in an apartment, which, after a thorough evaluation of the available space can successfully function both as entrance area ans storage space for clothing and shoes.
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